Living Machines 2021 (digital)

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Datum und Uhrzeit
Montag, 26. Juli 2021 - Freitag, 30. Juli 2021
All Day Uhr (24H)

Due to the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 edition of the Living Machines conference will have a streamlined online format to assure continuity of the Living Machines conference, community engagement, and support.

One day Plenary Speakers. 27 July 2021: As this special edition features the 10 years of Living Machines, plenary speakers will highlight the relevant contributions to the fields of biomimetics and biohybrid systems and help to address two main questions: have these fields evolved in the last 10 years, what will be their unique challenges and expected progress in the next 10 years, and how will they impact society?

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